How to buy, delivery info & sending overseas
Simply use the drop-down buttons to choose the required size. A new PayPal page/tab will open when you click Add to Cart. You can increase the quantity in your basket or simply return to this page (or other product pages) to order different items. Your PayPal basket will automatically update. See, magic!
We will do our best to ensure that your order is completed swiftly (our record stands at 51 minutes from order to hand delivery!). If you need something by a certain date please also email us to let us know.
If you are ordering from (or sending to) outside the UK, this is no problem. We've sent our products all over the planet and seen photos of our logo in some very far-flung and unlikely places, including on the Equator in Uganda, at a ghost town called Cardiff near Chicago, and in...Swansea. Just pay the top-up fee. CLICK HERE